Volunteer Program
Volunteers are an important part of the BW community and we welcome all adults to volunteer in supporting the educational program at BW. All volunteers must sign in and out each day they are on campus to volunteer and wear a volunteer badge.
Volunteer Expectations
- Parents are not permitted to reprimand students who are not their own children while on campus. If a parent has a concern about another child’s behavior, they need to bring that concern to a BW staff member.
- Parents interacting with their own children must still follow BW school discipline policy. Screaming or otherwise disrupting a peaceful school environment is never permitted on campus. The principal or designee has the authority to restrict access to the campus to any adults who cause a disruption to a positive school environment.
- Parents are to maintain student confidentiality while on and off campus at all times. At times, a parent may observe another student's work, informal assessment data or behavior challenges. Topics like this should be kept private and should not be discussed with others for any reason. Gossiping hurts our students and creates a toxic community.
- The possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages while on our school campus or during events when students are present is strictly forbidden and is a misdemeanor offense. This misdemeanor offense is applicable to all adults including volunteers and visitors during all times.
Getting Started
Volunteers must comply with the district's volunteer screening requirements.
Community members interested in volunteering should:
Complete and return a school volunteer application. (English)
Read and acknowledge understanding of the Volunteer Code of Conduct: (English) (Spanish)
Provide results of Tuberculin skin test and/or TB Assessment documentation (English) (BW Health Office CANNOT provide assessments to non-employees, please ask your personal health offices for signatures).